Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When Children Pray..

Thank you for your continued prayers. Priscilla continues to work hard to regain her muscle strength. She is able to sit on the side of the bed without support for about 20 mnutes at a time! This is to strengthen her back muscles.

Her arm strength is also improving. Most touching is that she can even reach out to hold Adrian's hand. :)

Pray for the general health of the family, passing around colds and flu,
amazingly Pris has not fallen sick these last nine months while at home.
Pray for her physical strength to increase as she relearns all the involuntary body movements.

Pray she can swallow.

Ryan and Marilyn continue to be very fervent prayer warriors for their Mummy,
Ryan reminds his Sunday school class to pray and Marilyn insists that Daddy say a LONG prayer every night for her.

Priscilla is aware of her condition and is doing her best to work her muscles
She is doing her part. Lets do ours!

Persevere in prayer to our Almighty and All powerful God who heals.

Visitors are advised to come mid-morning or mid-afternoon when she is awake and
doing the physical therapy.

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